Balancing work and play … isn’t it a hard thing to do ! haha
As I have mentioned before, Music is my first love. Learning the history of music from the African diaspora and improving my musicianship are my top priorities. Without a doubt.
But I also love expressing myself via my style. Hence the creation of ‘Coryna Coryna’.
I set myself high goals and try not to be content with mediocrity in my achievements. And this had led to high stress levels on many occasions. So, I’ve made a decision to be kinder to myself by re-assessing my priorities. I LOVE blogging. I’m so happy that I started and I’m not stopping any time soon. But if in the future there are gaps in the time I take to put up new posts, please be patient with me ! It will be more likely that it’s due to busyness than laziness.
Thanks for visiting Coryna Coryna !
New blogposts on Wednesdays and Sundays (With the above message in mind … haha) 🙂