Location: Shoreditch Market
It may be cold outside, but I don’t intend to wear any garments that match the grey weather 😉
I L.O.V.E this coat. I feel like I’m going to live in this coat for the next 5 months; lets see how much use I can get out of this baby ! I’ve been eager to keep my hair protected from the effects of the chilli breezes with protective styles. Dry hair = Weak hair
#FunFact – The more moisture the hair can retain, the higher the chances are that your hair will retain length.
This hat from H&M is a fab way of accessorising an outfit while keeping my hair protected from the rainy sky.
ASOS Mid Heel Shoes | H & M Brown Hat
ZARA Brown/Rust Coat | ZARA Double sided Scalf
Below is my bestie Jamie-Lee. She has an amazing sense of self and style. <3
Check out her blog and Pinterest page:
SilverSequoia | SilverSequoia Pinterest
#ThatCoatThough #YYAAASSS #Beaut